Thursday, January 20, 2011

The road to Shanto

December 31, 2010 was a new years eve like none we have ever experienced. We began the morning relieved that three lovely Team Tasfa members woke up at 2AM unable to sleep and organized all the donations that were heaped in the guest house lobby. Since this was a big job and only a small portion had been organized, I was VERY happy these ladies took charge and accomplished so much in the middle of the night. THANK you gals! Next, we enjoyed a nice breakfast and joined some of the team members on a trip to the International Adoption Net (IAN) care center and Seleenat (an orphanage in Addis). On this trip, Kevin and I were able to share updated photos of Ada and tell the staff thank you again for bringing her into our lives. She is a true blessing! We also inquired about Ada's birth father in hopes of meeting him. We did not get to meet him on this trip, but did leave photos that we hope he will be given. We always want Solomon to know we love his little girl and are so proud she is our daughter. We took some photos of the children, played with them and enjoyed them so much. One great highlight to this visit was watching the kids write in the dirt on our driver's van. He let them write all over the car and it was so cute."IAN Care Center"
"a mimi (doll) we gave to the children last trip 18 months ago"
"Sign at Seleenat"
We soon returned to the guest house, packed up and began the several hour drive to Soddo. "the luggage!""We did get all the bags in/on our six cars"
I don't know how long the trip was suppose to take, but we were late leaving Addis Ababa and had to take an urgent bathroom break in a town along the way; which all lengthened the journey. It had grown dark and we were all ready to arrive in Soddo for a meal and good night of rest when we rounded that dreadful corner. It was a tight road and there were people everywhere screaming out for help and crying. A bus had fallen into one of the drainage ditches beside the road, tumbled over and many people were injured. Our team stopped to help. We dug through bags, found supplies, the doctors went to work helping people with various injuries and lives were definitely saved. The team was amazing! In the darkness, these people were terrified, overwhelmed with grief and in shock, but Team Tasfa worked together like we'd done it all before. I'm so proud to have been part of Team Tasfa that night even though the devastation it caused will always be a memory I wish I could forget.

Upon our arrival in Soddo we ate at a lovely restaurant and rang in the new year as we walked into our hotel. I remember thinking I can't wait until tomorrow.....Shanto is waiting.


  1. Love the picture of the kids writing on the van. So cute :) I am enjoying your journaling of the trip. Can't wait to read more!!

  2. Great post, LeeAnn, do you mind if I link to it since I can't seem to get my thoughts out?

  3. No problem. Miss you Sharon. I think we might need to visit you guys sometime!
